Achilles tendinopathy is an overload injury to the achilles tendon experience by both active and non-active people. It results in pain, stiffness and swelling within the tendon.
In our clinic, we can diagnose the type of achilles problem you have (yes, there are several possibilities!) with a thorough clinical examination and, when a definitive diagnosis and highly detailed understanding is required, we can provide on-the-spot diagnostic ultrasound to take a look inside!
Treatment is fundamentally about rebuilding strength and load-tolerance into the tendon through progressively challenging exercises. All other treatment methods are in service of this goal. This includes footwear changes and foot orthoses (specialist insoles).
In addition, as a practice specialising in this condition, we can also offer advanced treatment options including Storz Medical Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) and High-Volume Image-Guided Injection therapy (HVIGI). Both of which make us unique amongst Podiatry clinics in the Scottish Borders.