Foot, ankle or lower limb pain? We can help.
Here you'll find an ever-growing list of many of the conditions we specialise in helping you with at Tweed Podiatry. This includes conditions specific to the lower limb plus information on systemic conditions that can impact lower limb health.
Podiatric Medicine, like all branches of Medicine, is vastly complex - we've aimed to keep things as brief as possible whilst not missing key points that deserve a mention. But if you're strapped for time, each article has a highlights section at the top.
Quick disclosure: This is by no means an exhaustive list and far more is covered during your consultation with us. None of this information is intended to be, or to replace, medical advice or treatment. See our terms of use for more information. The bottom line is this - if you have a foot, ankle or lower limb problem, or a condition that may affect these parts of your body, contact us for personalised advice and treatment.
Plantar Fasciopathy
This common source of plantar heel pain is experienced by many active and non-active people and can be challenging to manage alone - we can help!
Achilles Tendinopathy
We believe that throughout the Scottish Borders we offer an unmatched range of evidence-based treatment options and experience in treating achilles tendinopathy.
Hallux Limitus
Osteoarthritis in the big toe joint can be very painful and debilitating. It is as common as arthritis in the hip yet so rarely talked about. So let’s talk about it!
Adult Acquired Flat Foot Deformity
AAFFD is a complex and progressive flattening of the arch in adults and can be due to problems with various tendons, ligaments and joints, often leading to pain and mobility issues.
Peroneal Tendinopathy
Peroneal tendinopathy involves changes in the health and function of one or both peroneal tendons which pass behind the outside of the ankle and may involve pain and ankle instability.
Ingrown Toenails
Our team bring a wealth of experience in managing ingrown toenails and can offer both conservative management and permanent surgical solutions.
Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction
The posterior tibial tendon is one of the main dynamic stabilisers of the arch. Pain and loss of function in this tendon must ALWAYS be treated without delay - we can help.
Midfoot Arthritis
Midfoot arthritis is one of the most common conditions we see and yet is so often misdiagnosed and poorly treated - it doesn’t have to be that way!
Morton’s Neuroma
Morton’s neuroma (or plantar digital neuritis) is an enlargement of the plantar digital nerve which passes between the toes, often leading to severe pain in the ball of the foot.
Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome
Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS) is a common running overload injury affecting the inner lower to middle third of the tibia, often caused by spikes in training.
Corns and Callus
Hard skin conditions like corn and callus affect a massive number of people. Our team can quickly and painlessly remove these and advise on how to keep them at bay.
Plantar Plate Injury
The plantar plate ligaments pass across the ball of the foot to the toes. Damage to these ligaments can happen gradually or from trauma and can feel like walking on a stone.
Sinus Tarsi Syndrome
The Sinus Tarsi is a space in he subtalar joint (below and to the outside of the ankle). Repetitive compression or sudden strain to this space can cause a debilitating (but treatable!) pain.
Diabetes and the Foot
Along with our eyes, the feet are perhaps the most important part of our body to be monitored regularly if we have diabetes in order to prevent complications or manage them if they arise.
The sesamoids are 2 small bones that lie under the big toe, helping with efficient motion at the toe bends under our bodyweight. Damage to these bones and the tendon they sit it can be extremely painful.
Patellofemoral Pain
Patellofemoral pain is a very common injury we see mostly in our sporting patients, especially runners. Treatment focussed on mechanical support and building load-tolerance back up.
Lateral Ankle Instability
Lateral ankle instability involves a repeat history of “going over” the outside of the ankle or a persistent sense this is about to happen. Stabilising the ankle and building strength is key to good rehab.
Fungal Toenails
It is rare to go a day in clinic without seeing someone with a fungal toenail or two! Our expert team have the knowledge and skills to guide you through the best treatment.
Athlete’s Foot
Athlete’s foot is a super common fungal skin infection that can often masquerade as dry skin leading to the wrong treatments. Our expert team can help identify the problem and get you on the right track.
Bunions and Hallux Valgus
Bunions are a prominent bump on the side of the big toe joint whereas Hallux Valgus is the deviation of the bones themselves. Either can cause pain and secondary foot complications.