Prior to carrying out any treatment plan, our Podiatrists carry out a medical history taking and physical examination of your feet, ankles and lower limbs as necessary. We may also recommend further examination such as gait analysis or diagnostic ultrasound imaging - both of which are available in-house.
We are the first and only Podiatry clinic in the Scottish Borders (NHS or Private) to offer diagnostic ultrasound and for this condition it is particularly useful for determining this is the injured structure versus some common neighbouring problems like capsulitis, osteoarthritis, fat pad contusion and Morton's neuroma. Right diagnosis = faster, better treatment.
Plantar plate treatment depends on it's severity; it is a ligament we can see rupture which can only be fixed surgically. However, most patients in pain will visit us well before this point and lower grade damage or even partial tears can be treated very well in our clinic.
Reducing the painful upward bend motion of the toe is key to reduce stress on the ligament; we achieve this through footwear advice (stiff-soled shoes are essential), taping techniques, padding and foot orthoses (specialised insoles) which we can design to manipulate the mechanics around the toe.
We will also recommend exercises to strengthen the muscles which support the toe and in the very common case of neighbouring tissues also being injured, we will seek to address these too, for example corticosteroid injections for toe joint or nerve complaints.