Richie Brace Therapy
A game-changer of a treatment option.
There’s a Chinese proverb that says “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now”. Often we meet patients with foot and ankle conditions that have reached quite advanced stages and many of the usual treatment options like taping and even custom foot orthoses (bespoke insoles) are no longer sufficient. But we are always optimistic and when the Richie Brace became a treatment option in the UK we were thrilled to start using it in practice - to say it has been a game-changer for some patients would be an understatement.
We have used Richie Brace therapy with great success for patients with late-stage posterior tibial tendon dysfunction, severe arthritis, chronic lateral ankle instability and drop foot. Many of these patients were told elsewhere that surgery was the only option left to them - but the Richie Brace can offer hope!
Getting our hands dirty!
Whilst 3D scanning has become our main technique in our clinic for capturing the shape of your feet for most custom devices, the method used for the Richie Brace is still good old fashioned Plaster of Paris! (PoP)
From a prone (lying face down) position we apply several layers of PoP to capture the shape of both the foot and the ankle - this is important because the device has pivots that need to match up precisely with the articulation of your ankle joint. This way the device is able to offer enormous stability but also allow a normal upward and downward motion of the ankle whilst walking, making it much more versatile than a fixed-brace.
Once the cast and key marks from your foot are capture, the cast is very carefully packaged up and sent on it’s merry way to Firefly Orthoses (our lab partner for this particular device).
Upon arrival of the finished brace, our team will give you a call and look forward to seeing you for your fitting appointment!
Restoring mobility and confidence.
At your fitting appointment, we check the brace for a precise fit against all points of your foot and make any last-minute minor adjustments that may be required (rarely necessary) and check the brace in your shoes for fit. Due to the thin but high durable materials the brace is made of it is a lot less bulky than many other devices and patient’s are often pleasantly surprise how well it fits in shoes - that said, it is important to understand the best results will be found in walking shoes, boot and trainers.
After a short adjustment period, daily activity (even including sport) in the brace should not only feel comfortable but significantly easier and less painful than without it.
We have seen some truly remarkable results from Richie Brace therapy and would not be without it in our toolbox. A favourite fond memory of a patient’s experience of their first Richie Brace comes to mind that Firefly Orthoses share here.
Guide Prices
£595 including casting, prescription-writing, lab fees and fitting appointment.